Sunday, June 10, 2007

Atheists may Consider Gambling on Heaven

I've been thinking of the devout believers in my life. As far as religion goes, I know more devote Christians in my life then other religions, so I will be referring to them as my example.

Many people who do not frequent church or take part in organized religion, and even some who do, are often annoyed when a friend works to hard in an attempt to convert you. I suppose you can relate, after all who are they to tell you what to believe. However, if they are truly your friend and believe in their heart that if you don't convert to their beliefs that you will certainly go to hell, then what kind of friend would they be if they didn't spend every waking hour preaching to you the gospel.

What I'm saying is that I at least understand their motivation. It is a mission of charity based on deep faith. What I didn't understand is the same devotion from an atheist. I think of atheism as a lack of belief in any god. I don't think anything is wrong with that, but why do they need to convert anyone? Religion should not matter to them because it has no influence on their life. I didn't want this posting to sound one-sided so I researched all possible motivatations for speading doubt in other peoples faith in god. The main reason that made sense to me was that most of the wars and bloodshed throughout human history have been grounded in two opposing beliefs in a higher power and widely adapted atheism would put an end to these holy wars. Also I can see that certain religions can slow scientific progress.

After realizing this, I can see their point. Ending widespread violence is a very good reason, but I doubt atheism would herald in world peace. And even if it could, it may be too big a price to pay. For those who have faith, it brings so much fulfillment to their life that they would never give it up, and are willing to give their lives for it. I think I understand atheism, and as a "man of science" I can emphasize with their doubts in Christianity, but for now I will leave you with an argument for faith based on a principle of mathematics- probability. Blaise Pascal, a mathematician from the 1600's, said: if you believe in god and there is a god, then you can go to heaven; if you believe in god and there is no god then it doesn't matter; if you don't believe in god and there is a god, you risk going to hell; and if you don't believe in god and there is no god, then it doesn't really matter. The possible gain from belief is so much greater than the possible gain from unbelief, christianity was the bet that gave the highest gain. This is what is referred to as Pascal's wager.


Photosapien said...
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Photosapien said...

A thought to Pascal's wager and Christianity.

If the requirements of getting into Heaven are the belief in God and repentance for your sins, I do not see how you could not get into Heaven.

Anyone condemned to Hell would surely realize god exists and be a believer. It's hard to deny something you can see.

On the same note, if your god was full of never ending forgiveness and a perfect being, I'd imagine he'd be able to overlook a little transgression like a last minute repentance. Surely, you'd repent realizing that your bad deeds (un-repented) would send you to Hell.

I would never ask a religious person to leave their religion. It obviously helps them in some way, and is a comfort for them. But there are boundaries to religion. When their beliefs begin conflicting with my ability to live freely and not harrassed, I draw a line.

Linas J said...

Religion is not only root of wars.

Religions are really impact quality of our lives. For example they are always trying to push their agenda against euthanasia, against abortion, against medical advances, against tools that are used to fight sexually transmitted diseases. It tries to affect science, by introducing unscientific concepts into schools, etc.

All of these things are affecting us, atheists. I WANT to have a possibility to get help when I decide that I no longer can sustain pain, I WANT my children, even if they are gay, to life their life to full extent, etc...